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The Japan Business Mastery Podcast By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Mar 14, 2024

Having a buying need and doing something about it can often be quite disparate ideas.  When the buyer is looking at the gap between where they are now and where they want to be and they judge it is pretty close, they don’t feel any urgency or need to buy. 

They will have certain drivers pushing them along in their role in the business, but this gap perception component is key in selling to buyers.  If we can’t show that the opportunity cost of no action is too high, then they are not inspired to do anything.  

We have to draw out the implications of taking no action, of doing nothing.  When and how do we do that?  In the questioning stage, we can draw attention to the size of the gap.  Now if we say “that is a pretty big gap you have there and you should fix that”, they doubt us.  We are salespeople, so the buyer is always mentally dismissing everything we say as fluffy sales talk.  We need them to tell us the gap is big and needs attention.  Also tell us that it needs attention right now. 

When we are discussing the Should Be question -  where they want to be in the future we need to add a little question to this process.  We ask where they want to be and then we follow up their answer by asking them, “What happens if you can’t get there fast enough?”.  No one ever gets there as fast as they want, so it automatic opens up the idea of a gap that needs addressing. 

When we are asking about the Barrier Question along the lines of “if you know where you are now and you know where you want to be, why aren’t you there yet”, we have another chance to emphasise that they need our help to achieve their goals.  We find out what is the obstacle holding them back and then we ask the gap widener - “What happens if you cannot clear that obstacle?” 

If we try to point out these aspects which won’t work and we say it, we won’t be believed.  We have to get them to tell us it won’t work, under their own steam, at the current pace, with the current resources and investment.  Once we get them thinking about that gap we can start suggesting when we present the solution that we are the cure for all their ills.  We have the ability to help them get where they want to be faster and more smoothly.