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The Japan Business Mastery Podcast By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Nov 24, 2022

“I gave my liver for my company” is a common refrain amongst Japanese salespeople.  The other one is “I gave up my weekends for golf with the client”.  What about foreigners selling here?  Do we have to donate our liver to the cause and get divorced, because we are never spending any time with the family?


Nov 17, 2022

It sounds so obvious that we should have structures for doing our project planning.  However, the project team jumps straight into arranging the details of the project, without giving any thought to how the project should be approached.

There are eight steps we can consider when we begin working on a project. 

Step 1:...

Nov 3, 2022

Salespeople don't set the price of what they sell.  This is usually an obscure outcome decided by someone else inside the machine.  It might actually be an elaborate process, where multiple variables are carefully calibrated, mathematical formulae are applied and a price is arrived at.  Or, it might be a slightly moist...