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The Japan Business Mastery Podcast By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Apr 30, 2020

It is rare to see a presentation completed well, be it inside the organisation, to the client or to a larger audience.  The energy often drops away, the voice gradually fades out and there is no clear signal that this is the end.  The narrative arc seems to go missing in action at the final stage and the subsequent silence becomes strained.  It sometimes reminds me of classical music performances, when I am not sure if this is the time to applaud or not.


First and last impressions are critical in business and in life, so why leave these to random chance?  We need to strategise how we will end, how we will ensure our key messages linger in the minds of the listeners and how we will have the audience firmly enthralled, as our permanent fan base.


Endings are critical pieces of the presentation puzzle and usually that means two endings not just one.  These days, it is rare that we don’t go straight into some form of Q&A session, once the main body of the talk has been completed.  So we need an ending for the presentation just given and we another ending after the Q&A.  Why the second one, why not just let it end with the final question?



The members of the audience are able to ask rude, indignant questions, challenging everything you hold to be true.  They can denounce you as a charlatan, scoundrel, dilettante and unabashed poseur.  Sometimes, they even launch forth into their own mini-speech, usually unrelated to whatever it was you were talking about.  Or they move the conversation off to a new place, which has nothing to do with your key points.


The topic of your talk is now a distant memory.  That is why the pros ensure they bring it all back together with a final close to the proceedings.  The last word is now with the speaker, not some anarchist provocateur who happened to turn up.


There are a number of ways of bringing the speech home.  In the first close, before the Q&A, we might harken back to something we said in our opening, to neatly tie the beginning and end together.  Or we might restate the key message we wish to get across.  Another alternative is a summary of the key points to refresh everyone’s recollection of what we were saying. 


At the end of the final sentence we need to hit the power button and finish with a rising crescendo to really put the passion behind our position.  Many speakers allow their voice and energy to trail off into oblivion.  Instead, we need to bring energy to our final words.  We then add a small pause and move smoothly into inviting audience Q&A. 


Don’t miss this key point: always specify the time available for Q&A at the start – never, ever leave it open ended.  Why not?  If you find are facing a rabid gathering of foes and you want to get out of there, mentioning the time is up, allows you to depart with your dignity intact, as opposed to looking like an wimp scurrying out the door, because you can’t take the heat.


The second close can be very similar to the first. This is also the point to use a pertinent quotation to leave a rousing call to action in the minds of your audience.  Again, the voice rises in strength at the end of the final sentence. 


When you get the ending right, you can thank your audience, relax and bask in their warm applause.

Action Steps


  1. Strategise the ending rather than leave it to random chance
  2. Loop back to the beginning, hit the key message again or summarise some key points
  3. Always nominate a time limit for Q&A
  4. Prepare two closes – one each for before and after Q&A