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The Japan Business Mastery Podcast By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

May 27, 2021

Memorizing speeches and reading them are both bad ideas.  Okay.  Then what are we supposed to do?  Find out in this weeks show.


The content was really great and the way the words were put together was quite clever.  Obviously a tremendous amount of work had gone into this piece.  The speaker had a...

May 20, 2021

People enter sales with no thought.  They find it is tough and leave or are fired.  How about basing your sales career on having your own point of view, your own philosophy about what you are doing?  Today we look at precisely how to do that.


Like a lot of people, I subscribe to various sites that send you useful...

May 18, 2021

Bad habits feed off laziness and inflexibility.  Good habits need discipline, work, consistency.  Which is precisely why we prefer to stick with our bad habits.  Find out how to turn that around this week.


We are all the product of our habits.  What we do regularly defines our level of success.  Bad habits, good...

May 6, 2021

Idiots believe content quality and value trumps delivery.  Limited concentration spans in this Age of distraction have made presenting harder than any time in history.  If you are not on top of your game, no one will be listening to your genius high value content.


Can we be successful as a presenter if we don't...