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The Japan Business Mastery Podcast By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Jun 15, 2023

Zen study is a way to strip out all of the non-essentials in life.  As presenters, this is a good metaphor for when we are in front of people speaking. You would think with all those thousands of years of Zen in Japan, the Japanese people would be legends of simplicity and clarity when presenting.  Not true!  Presenting...

Jun 11, 2023

Sales is one of the few things in business you can measure accurately and immediately.  Are you getting greater efficiencies from your internal systems?  Is the marketing working?  Are our team becoming more skillful?  These are topics which are super important but also devilish to measure.  Sales however...

Jun 1, 2023

Often we will hear a presentation and receive a lot of information from the presenter, but we are not really clear on what is their point of view on this subject. 

Technically oriented people are particularly prone to understatement.  They believe that the data sells itself.  This is because often they are very logical...

Jun 1, 2023

There is an abundance of definitions on what is charismatic leadership? The definition proffered during a recent webinar was uncontroversial and acceptable: emotional and intellectual engagement, inspiration to go the extra mile – all quite reasonable elements. Somehow that left me feeling vaguely unfulfilled.